
A utility function to merge props objects.

The mergeProps function is a utility function that can be used to merge props objects. It takes in two or more props objects and returns a new merged props object, which is useful for composing multiple components with different props.

It is used internally by Bits UI components to merge the custom restProps you pass to a component with the props that Bits UI provides to the component.

Event Handlers

mergeProps handles chaining of event handlers automatically in the order in which they are passed, and if a previous handler calls event.preventDefault(), the next handler in the chain will not be called.

	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { onclick: (event: MouseEvent) => console.log("1") };
const props2 = { onclick: (event: MouseEvent) => console.log("2") };
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2);
console.log(mergedProps.onclick(new MouseEvent("click"))); // 1 2

Since props1 didn't call event.preventDefault(), props2 will stll be called as normal.

	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { onclick: (event: MouseEvent) => console.log("1") };
const props2 = {
	onclick: (event: MouseEvent) => {
const props3 = {
	onclick: (event: MouseEvent) => {
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2, props3);
console.log(mergedProps.onclick(new MouseEvent("click"))); // 1 2

Since props2 called event.preventDefault(), props3's onclick handler will not be called.

Non-Event Handler Functions

Functions that are't event handlers are also chained together, but one can't cancel out the other since there isn't an event object to cancel.

	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { doSomething: () => console.log("1") };
const props2 = { doSomething: () => console.log("2") };
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2);
console.log(mergedProps.onclick(new MouseEvent("click"))); // 1 2


mergeProps also handles the merging of classes using clsx. This means that you can pass in multiple classes as an array or string, and they will be merged together.

	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { class: "orange blue yellow" };
const props2 = { class: "yellow blue green" };
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2);
console.log(mergedProps.class); // "orange blue yellow green"


mergeProps also handles merging of style objects using style-to-object. You can pass in multiple style objects or style strings and they will be gracefully merged together in the order they are passed.

	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { style: { backgroundColor: "red" } };
const props2 = { style: "background-color: green" };
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2);
console.log(; // "background-color: green;"
	import { mergeProps } from "bits-ui";
const props1 = { style: "--foo: red" };
const props2 = { style: { "--foo": "green", color: "blue" } };
const mergedProps = mergeProps(props1, props2);
console.log(; // "--foo: green; color: blue;"